In the current dietary age of ketogenic eating, green smoothie and intermittent fasting,making sense of an overwhelm inc amount of conflicting diet information is no easy task. However, the things we know to be true about weight loss today are relatively simple, and certainly few. Here are 5 facts about weight loss you can count on:
1. You can't outrun a poor diet.
Its irrefurtable. Regular exercise has a huge role in fat burning, but its the diet that will ultimately make or break the weight loss success. One study showed that exercise alone cannot drive significant weight loss compared to dieting alone, partly due to exercise's effects on appetite hormones- meaning majority of us unknowingly compensate for the calories we expend.
2.Eat enough fiber.
Dietary fibre has been credited with a host of health benefits, including the potential to improve blood cholesterol, relieve constipation and reduce colon cancer risk. However research continues to uncover the weight reducing properties of having more fibre in the diet.
So how does fire works, anyway? put simply, fibre refers to the carbo hydrates found in plant foods like vegetables, fruits, beans nuts, legumes. This means that fire passes straight through your system without causing your blood sugar to rise, which is important for managinghunger.
Fibre adds bulk to meals (without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet), which can slow down the rate of digestion ,aiding in the filing effect-another factor in fighting hunger for hours.
Dietary fibre is also a renowned champion for health and research is now focusing on how different types of fibre affect the gut microbiome- that is the good bugs that thrive in the gut.
3. Eat lots of vegetables.
Lets set the record straight: The messageof the 80's to eat a low fat diet never meant a low fat brownies or a whole packet of rice crackers.
Technically, a diet that is lower in fats means filling your plate with more plant based foods like vegetables. Less than four percent of the population consumes the minimum recommended number of serves of vegetables so we can always make room for more on our plate- the more colorful, the better.
It doesn't have to be a kale salad, either. If you are drawn to the starchy veg like sweet potatoe, pumpkin peas or carrots, so be it. The idea is establishing a habit around eating vegetables everyday.
4. Quality trumps quantity.
A 'Kilojoule is a kilojoule' is a repeated dietary slogan, but focusing on food quality is equally important.With a plethora of calorie counting apps at your finger tips, it may be tempting to swap out eating nuts and piece of fruits for a packet of chips because they are equal on kilojoules.
Unfortunately, the way the body will metabolise and use this energy will vary considerably. In other words, food is much more than a collection of kilojoules, because kilojoules tell you nothing about how nutritious, or satisfying a food is. Chances are eating just a packet of crisp won't fill you up.
5. Curb the junk.
Most of the healthiest foods have only one ingredients: think apple, spinach, nuts e.t.c. Longer lists generally mean more ingredients (most unrecognizable) and more sugar, fat and salt- all reliable markers that a food is highly processed.
While its safe to say that a healthy diet will never be built on specially formulated protein bars, glutten free cookies, or similar treats- these foods do not provide significant nutrients to the body, and over consumption is linked wider waistlines.
So how does fire works, anyway? put simply, fibre refers to the carbo hydrates found in plant foods like vegetables, fruits, beans nuts, legumes. This means that fire passes straight through your system without causing your blood sugar to rise, which is important for managinghunger.
Fibre adds bulk to meals (without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet), which can slow down the rate of digestion ,aiding in the filing effect-another factor in fighting hunger for hours.
Dietary fibre is also a renowned champion for health and research is now focusing on how different types of fibre affect the gut microbiome- that is the good bugs that thrive in the gut.
3. Eat lots of vegetables.
Lets set the record straight: The messageof the 80's to eat a low fat diet never meant a low fat brownies or a whole packet of rice crackers.
Technically, a diet that is lower in fats means filling your plate with more plant based foods like vegetables. Less than four percent of the population consumes the minimum recommended number of serves of vegetables so we can always make room for more on our plate- the more colorful, the better.
It doesn't have to be a kale salad, either. If you are drawn to the starchy veg like sweet potatoe, pumpkin peas or carrots, so be it. The idea is establishing a habit around eating vegetables everyday.
4. Quality trumps quantity.
A 'Kilojoule is a kilojoule' is a repeated dietary slogan, but focusing on food quality is equally important.With a plethora of calorie counting apps at your finger tips, it may be tempting to swap out eating nuts and piece of fruits for a packet of chips because they are equal on kilojoules.
Unfortunately, the way the body will metabolise and use this energy will vary considerably. In other words, food is much more than a collection of kilojoules, because kilojoules tell you nothing about how nutritious, or satisfying a food is. Chances are eating just a packet of crisp won't fill you up.
5. Curb the junk.
Most of the healthiest foods have only one ingredients: think apple, spinach, nuts e.t.c. Longer lists generally mean more ingredients (most unrecognizable) and more sugar, fat and salt- all reliable markers that a food is highly processed.
While its safe to say that a healthy diet will never be built on specially formulated protein bars, glutten free cookies, or similar treats- these foods do not provide significant nutrients to the body, and over consumption is linked wider waistlines.
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