Thursday 19 October 2017


After puberty, a woman's breast consists of fat, connective tissue, and thousands of lobules, tiny glands that produce milk for breast-feeding. Tiny tubes, or ducts, carry the milk toward the nipple.
In cancer, the body's cells multiply uncontrollably. It is the excessive cell growth that causes cancer.
Breast cancer can be:
  • Ductal carcinoma: This begins in the milk duct and is the most common type.
  • Lobular carcinoma: This starts in the lobules.
Invasive breast cancer is when the cancer cells break out from inside the lobules or ducts and invade nearby tissue, increasing the chance of spreading to other parts of the body.
Non-invasive breast cancer is when the cancer is still inside its place of origin and has not broken out. However, these cells can eventually develop into invasive breast cancer.

The first symptoms of breast cancer are usually an area of thickened tissue in the breast, or a lump in the breast or in an armpit.
Other symptoms include:
  • a pain in the armpits or breast that does not change with the monthly cycle
  • pitting or redness of the skin of the breast, like the skin of an orange
  • a rash around or on one of the nipples
  • a discharge from a nipple, possibly containing blood
  • a sunken or inverted nipple
  • a change in the size or shape of the breast
  • peeling, flaking, or scaling of the skin on the breast or nipple
Most lumps are not cancerous, but women should have them checked by a health care professional.

Breast cancer usually starts in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. From there, it can spread to other parts of the body.
The exact cause remains unclear, but some risk factors make it more likely. Some of these are preventable.

1. Age


The risk increases with age. At 20 years, the chance of developing breast cancer in the next decade is 0.6 percent. By the age of 70 years, this figure goes up to 3.84 percent.

2. Genetics

If a close relative has or has had, breast cancer, the risk is higher.
Women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer or both. These genes can be inherited. TP53 is another gene that is linked to a greater breast cancer risk.

3. A history of breast cancer or breast lumps

Women who have had breast cancer before are more likely to have it again, compared with those who have no history of the disease.
Having some types of benign, or non-cancerous breast lumps increases the chance of developing cancer later on. Examples include atypical ductal hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ.

4. Dense breast tissue

Breast cancer is more likely to develop in higher density breast tissue.

5. Estrogen exposure and breast-feeding

Being exposed to estrogen for a longer period appears to increase the risk of breast cancer.
This could be due to starting periods earlier or entering menopause later than average. Between these times, estrogen levels are higher.
Breast-feeding, especially for over 1 year, appears to reduce the chance of developing breast cancer, possibly because pregnancy followed by breastfeeding reduces exposure to estrogen.

6. Body weight


Women who are overweight or have obesity after menopause may have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, possibly due to higher levels of estrogen. High sugar intake may also be a factor.

7. Alcohol consumption

A higher rate of regular alcohol consumption appears to play a role. Studies have shown that women who consume more than 3 drinks a day have a 1.5 times higher risk.

8. Radiation exposure

Undergoing radiation treatment for a cancer that is not breast cancer increases the risk of breast cancer later in life.

9. Hormone treatments

The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and oral birth control pills have been linked to breast cancer, due to increased levels of estrogen.

10. Occupational hazards

In 2012, researchers concluded that exposure to certain carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, for example in the workplace, could be linked to breast cancer.
In 2007, scientists suggested that working night shifts could increase the risk of breast cancer, but more recent research concludes this is unlikely.

Cosmetic implants and breast cancer survival

Women with cosmetic breast implants who are diagnosed with breast cancer have a higher risk of dying from the disease and a 25 percent higher chance of being diagnosed at a later stage, compared with women without implants.
This could be due to due to the implants masking cancer during screening, or because the implants bring about changes in breast tissue. More research is needed.

A diagnosis often occurs as the result of routine screening, or when a woman approaches her doctor after detecting symptoms.
Some diagnostic tests and procedures help to confirm a diagnosis.

Breast exam

The physician will check the patient's breasts for lumps and other symptoms.
The patient will be asked to sit or stand with her arms in different positions, such as above her head and by her sides.

Imaging tests

A mammogram is a type of x-ray commonly used for initial breast cancer screening. It produces images that can help detect any lumps or abnormalities.
A suspicious result can be followed up by further diagnosis. However, mammography sometimes shows up a suspicious area that is not cancer. This can lead to unnecessary stress and sometimes interventions.
An ultrasound scan can help differentiate between a solid mass or a fluid-filled cyst.
An MRI scan involves injecting a dye into the patient, so find out how far the cancer has spread.


A sample of tissue is surgically removed for laboratory analysis. This can show whether the cells are cancerous, and, if so, which type of cancer it is, including whether or not the cancer is hormone-sensitive.
Diagnosis also involves staging the cancer, to establish:
  • the size of a tumor
  • how far it has spread
  • whether it is invasive or non-invasive
  • whether it has metastasized, or spread to other parts of the body
Staging will affect the chances of recovery and will help decide on the best treatment options.


Treatment will depend on:
  • the type of breast cancer
  • the stage of the cancer
  • sensitivity to hormones
  • the patient's age, overall health, and preferences
The main options include:
  • radiation therapy
  • surgery
  • biological therapy, or targeted drug therapy
  • hormone therapy
  • chemotherapy
Factors affecting the choice will include the stage of the cancer, other medical conditions, and individual preference.


If surgery is needed, the choice will depend on the diagnosis and the individual.
Lumpectomy: Removing the tumor and a small margin of healthy tissue around it can help prevent the spread of the cancer. This may be an option if the tumor is small and likely to be easy to separate from the surrounding tissue.
Mastectomy: Simple mastectomy involves removing the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, areola, and some skin. Radical mastectomy removes muscle from the chest wall and the lymph nodes in the armpit as well.
Sentinel node biopsy: Removing one lymph node can stop the cancer spreading, because if breast cancer reaches a lymph node, it can spread further through the lymphatic system into other parts of the body.
Axillary lymph node dissection: If there are cancer cells on a node called the sentinel node, the surgeon may recommend removing several nymph nodes in the armpit to prevent the spread of disease.
Reconstruction: Following breast surgery, reconstruction can recreate the breast so that it looks similar to the other breast. This can be done at the same time as a mastectomy, or at a later date. The surgeon may use a breast implant, or tissue from another part of the patient's body.

Radiation therapy

Controlled doses of radiation are targeted at the tumor to destroy the cancer cells. Used from around a month after surgery, along with chemotherapy, it can kill any remaining cancer cells.
Each session lasts a few minutes, and the patient may need three to five sessions per week for 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the aim and the extent of the cancer.
The type of breast cancer will dictate what type of radiation therapy, if any, is most suitable.
Adverse effects include fatigue, lymphedema, darkening of the breast skin, and irritation of the breast skin.


Medications known as cytotoxic drugs may be used to kill cancer cells, if there is a high risk of recurrence or spread. This is called adjuvant chemotherapy.
If the tumor is large, chemotherapy may be administered before surgery to shrink the tumor and make its removal easier. This is called neo-adjuvant chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy can also treat cancer that has metastasized, or spread to other parts of the body, and it can reduce some symptoms, especially in the later stages.
It may be used to reduce estrogen production, as estrogen can encourage the growth of some breast cancers.
Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, sore mouth, hair loss, and a slightly higher susceptibility to infections. Medications can help control many of these.

Hormone blocking therapy

Hormone blocking therapy is used to prevent recurrence in hormone-sensitive breast cancers. These are often referred to as estrogen receptive (ER) positive and progesterone receptor (PR) positive cancers.
Hormone blocking therapy is normally used after surgery, but it may sometimes be used beforehand to shrink the tumor.
It may be the only option for patients who cannot undergo surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy.
The effects normally last for up to 5 years after surgery. The treatment will have no effect on cancers that are not sensitive to hormones.
Examples include:
  • tamoxifen
  • aromatase inhibitors
  • ovarian ablation or suppression
  • a luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonist (LHRHa) drug called Goserelin, to suppress the ovaries
Hormone treatment may affect a woman's future fertility.

Biological treatment

Targeted drugs destroy specific types of breast cancer. Examples include trastuzumab (Herceptin), lapatinib (Tykerb), and bevacizumab (Avastin). These drugs are all used for different purposes.
Treatments for breast and other cancers can have severe adverse effects.
The patient should discuss with a doctor the risks involved and ways to minimize the negative effects, when deciding on treatment.

Prevention and outlook

There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer, but some lifestyle decisions can significantly reduce the risk of breast and other types of cancer.
These include:
  • avoiding excess alcohol consumption
  • following a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • getting enough exercise
  • maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI)
Women should think carefully about their options for breast-feeding and the use of HRT following menopause, as these can affect the risk.
Preventive surgery is an option for women at high risk.


With treatment, a woman who receives a diagnosis of stage 0 or stage 1 breast cancer has an almost almost 100 percent chance of surviving for at least 5 years.
If the diagnosis is made at stage 4, the chance of surviving another 5 years is around 22 percent.
Regular checks and screening can help detect symptoms early. Women should discuss their options with a doctor.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Recently, we launched some of the services that we have started offering as a cause, and on of the is dealing with causes that are affecting our society. Style With Alphy is a Fashion blog that is conscious about creating awareness on social issues that are affecting our society, the provides a platform that brings people together to deal and address such issue. As a blog, we are always open to partner with any group that wants to tackle any cause in the society.

This month, we have partnered with a group from Moi University called 'Zero Chills'.We have come together to create awareness on the issue of Breast Cancer since October is usually the month dedicated on this Cause.

In most cases, patients with early breast cancer have no symptoms and their disease is discovered through mammography screening.
The following symptoms may be caused by breast cancer:
  • A palpable mass in the breast
  • A palpable mass in the axilla
  • An ulcer of the skin of the breast
  • Skin or nipple inversion or a nipple pointing in abnormal direction
  • Skin discoloration where underlying abscess is not the most probable diagnosis
  • Eczema-like changes on or around areola
  • Skin thickening/peau d`orange of unknown etiology
  • Nipple discharge or blood-containing secretion
Breast cancer in young women is quite rare. Changes in breasts of women under 35 are often caused by hormones and vary with the menstrual cycle. These can disappear spontaneously, so it is recommended to observe for 1-2 months/menstruation cycles before an assessment is made. It is the most common invasive cancer in women, and the second main cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.

On 21st October 2017, Zero chills team have organized a Breast Cancer Awareness walk as from 10.00a.m to 2.00p.m at Moi University. We have been invited to take part of the walk and we also invite you to join us in creating awareness in this cause that is killing and taking away our mothers and sisters. The dress code will be Pink or a Pink ribbon. 
All are welcome.

Monday 16 October 2017


Well, i bet by now you all know more about Style With Alphy and what we do as a blog. The main purpose for existence as a blog is Fashion and Lifestyle. We are an online blog that provides our readers with the latest fashion and style and also introduce them to a trendy yet sophisticated lifestyle. It is for any man who believes in his sense of style and know that real style is not right or wrong, but its for those who know themselves for a purpose. Its for those whose individual style defines them and is a reflection of their personality.

Style With Alphy is also a blog with a cause. It is a fashion blog that is conscious about creating awareness on social issues that affects our society. It provides for us a platform that brings people together to address and deal with such issues. Another cause that we deal with is to empower our youths and children in the society who are doing something good with their lives, we do this by providing for them a platform to tell our readers more about themselves, what they do e.t.c and through this we are able to give back to the society in every capacity that we can because its the society that has molded us to be who we are today.

So to be able to tackle all this,we have introduced segments that are usually featured on certain days of the week so as to keep our readers updated on the latest style, trendy and sophisticated lifestyles e.t.c. Below are some of the segments that we have under our blog:
  • Get Inspired: This segment is usually featured every Wednesday. The main purpose of this segment is to Inspire, Nurture and Drive our readers for a brighter future. We do this by featuring popular names that have made it in different spheres of lives so as to share their stories and tips to success with our readers. So far we have managed to feature: Tyler Mbaya, David Wonder, e.t.c. The segment was just recently introduced and so we are yet to feature event more.
  • Lifestyle Thursday: Life and Style is among the main purpose for Style With Alphy's existence. Every Thursday, we usually introduce our readers to a trendy yet sophisticated lifestyle.
  • Style Fix: Well, now this is the main segment in our blog. Fashion and Style. The segment is usually featured every Friday. Style With Alphy is the leading online destination to stay informed on the latest styles and fashion trends because we always make sure that we have introduced some latest styles from the world of fashion and design for our readers to see. We feature both ladies and gents styles.
  • Youth Empowerment: This is among the causes that we deal with as a blog. The segment is usually every Saturday. We always interview our youths and feature them on our blog so that they can tell our viewers and readers what they do, through this we are able to Empower and Mentor them to keep reaching for their goals and never give up.
Well, above is just but a few things that happen on our blog. Now as a blog, we want to grow bigger so as to become just more than a blog. And that is why we are working on introducing some services that will be of benefit both to us and our readers. Below are some of the services that we have introduced.

Our plan for STYLE WITH ALPHY is big, because our ultimate goal is to grow and become just more than  blog. This can only be done by coming out of our way and do something that would set us apart from our norm. Well, as a blog, there are some services that we want to start offering, which would be of benefit both to our readers and ourselves. Some of this services we are still working on and its still too premature for us to start telling you guys about now since they are still premature but those that we are highlighting today are being offered. They include:
  1. EVENTS HOSTING:  If you are looking for an MC or CO-HOST who is capable of drawing crowd at your event or launch, then look no further. Come to us and we will provide for you this services. Our very own founder, @ELVIS ALPHY is the perfect guy for this kind of job. We will first provide for you a platform to market and push your event through our blog and social media platform so us to create awareness to the public, with a good fan base that we have created, be sure that your event will reach a good number of people in no time.
  2. EVENT JUDGING: Well, are you looking for someone to involve in your fashion event panel? look no further, @Elvis Alphy, has a good skill and knowledge in the fashion world that will be of good help to your fashion discussion or event judging.
  3. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER:  Through our cause, Youth Empowerment, we have managed to inspire many youths and children who are doing great in their different fields of career. We have done this by mentoring them, inspiring them and encouraging them to start chasing their dreams wherever they are, with what they have and not stop for anything. Now if you are looking for someone to come and talk to our youths and children at any forum, our founder is the guys to pick, why? because he is still young and at that age where he can easily get along with his fellow age mates. Also, with the little achievements he has made in his field, he can use his tips and secrets to a stable career to also inspire our young stars out there to also stand up and do something with their lives because at this age and time, the most affected group are the youths because of all the challenges they are facing considering the fact that they are the future generation of this country.
  4. CAUSE: As a blog, we are conscious about creating awareness on social issues that affects our society. We are open to anyone or any group that has a cause to deal with,we will partner together and also provide a platform for marketing the issue that they are trying to address, hence being able to give back to the society in any capacity that we can.
  5. BRAND COLLABORATION:  Style With Alphy is a brand on its own, that is why we are wiling to partner with different brands so as to push and market their services and products through our blog. The brand doesn't have to be in the fashion industry, no, we are open to any brand that is willing to work with us. With a good fan base platform that we have created so far, be sure that your services and products will reach a wide range of people.
Above are just but the services that we have managed to work on and we are ready to start offering them. For bookings, Contact us through:
Phone: 0721457528
Email: or
Facebook: Style With Alphy or Elvis Alphy.
Twitter: Style With Alphy or @elvisalphy
Instagram: @stylewithalphy or @elvis_alphy.


Saturday 14 October 2017


If you want to stand out in a sea of blue and white, we have a few tips to show you can wear pink and stand out in style. Hypothetically speaking, men of any skin tone can wear pink. If you have a darker complexion,you will typically look better in a lighter postal pink.

What if i told you that pink is the new black? well its certainly not, but its definitely a color that needs a place in your closet. Pink  for men is always an easy color to wear and you shouldn't be scared of it. The outfit combinations are endless. From the office to the park. If styled correctly, can give your fashion game a level up.

Pink is the same, find a shade that compliments your skin tone. Even though pink suits most skin tones, there are definitely shades that work work for different people. Hot pink suits darker skin tones while light pink suits people with lighter complexions. Therefore its important to choose your shadows wisely.

Below are some of the pictures and styles that we stole from the shows. Find out how you can rock that pink suit and look like an office star. 

The suits were designed my Caley Juma of Caley Creations. To order..Contact 0721457528 or 0717415513 and get yourselfa pair at an affordable price.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


Imagine if you only needed to worry about food once in a day. No more snacks , or planning or worrying about what you were going to eat the whole day. All you need to consider is eating whatever you want or feel like once a day. Such is the proposal by a British doctor , Dr Van Tulleken who claims that taking intermittent fasting to the extreme and eating as infrequently as once a day is an effective and efficient way to diet.
So what are the pros cons pf the approach, should anyone actually want to only one meal a day?

The Pros:
 1.Fasting has its benefits.
There is a doubt that intermittent fasting has proven physiological benefits for the body. It helps to reduce inflammation, it appears to reset a number of hormones involved in fat metabolism and associated with small amounts of weight loss in short term studies. 
What is not known is the best type of fasting to achieve these results. is it shorter periods of fasting,is it longer periods of fasting occasional fasts in which calorie intake is significantly reduced for a day every so often?
Until we know these specifics any proposed fasting regimen is generally a stab in the dark with hopes for the best.

2.Making diet easy.
There is no doubt that one of the benefits of simple dietary rules is that they make plans whole lot easier to follow. As soon as your simplify a diet to one meal, any meal, without any calorie or micro nutrient restrictions, dieting suddenly becomes a whole lot easier and ease of implementation is ultimately the key to long term dietary success.

3.Time Efficient.
Dietary adherence is dependent on a number of variables- having the foods on hand your hand you need each and every day;planning,shopping, cooking, food prep-actions that take a whole of time and time we often do not have. Consuming only one meal a day, any meal you choose frees significantly amounts of time.

4.No Calorie restriction.
Successful long term weight loss requires calorie and macro nutrient manipulation; regular adjustments to food intake and exercise and can be a technical process especially when you have relatively large amount of weight lose. 
A dietary approach that does not require any specific dietary intervention other than to limit the number of eating occasions basically means dieters can eat what they like which is very attractive for individual who love to be able to eat whatever they like and still potentially loose weight.

The cons:
1.Issue of metabolic rate long term.
The most significant issue likely associated with a one meal per day approach are the long term metabolic effects. When we begin a new weight loss regime, it would not really matter what diet we follow as long as we stuck to it.
Over time though calorie restriction results in reductions in metabolic rate, as muscle mass is broken down to fuel the basic energy systems. This means that over time, we need fewer and fewer calorie to fuel the body.
While a one meal a day approach may support easy weight loss initially, long term is unlikely support weight loss or weight maintenance.

2.People like to eat.
Perhaps the most glaringly obvious issue with eating less frequently is that we are forgetting that people like to eat and in general have difficulties in controlling calorie intake when they are eating three times a day let alone once. For the individuals not interested in food, eating less frequently maybe a useful approach but this unlikely to suit the average person.

3.Hunger Management.
Extreme hunger will be inevitable on a diet that limit eating occasions. While those with strong will power may be able to severely restrict calories for short periods of time, when they are experiencing constant hunger , day in day out, it will become more and more difficult to maintain this dieting approach.

4.Potential for overreacting.
Extreme hunger also tends to be a recipe for disaster when it comes to over reacting.You will be familiar with scenario in which periods of extreme dieting are closely followed by period of extreme over reacting. Limiting eating occasions which leads to periods of binge eating is not an ideal long term.

5.No long term evidence.
As is the case with many of those fasting approaching , long term evidence is lacking about its effectiveness. This means a one meal per day approach may sound like a useful weight loss option, but we really don't know if it works ,it it works long term and who it may work for.
Until we know this, your are much better to stick to know what we do, know works which is simply eating less than we need each day and moving more.

Introducing you to a trendy yet sophisticated lifestyle.... 

Monday 9 October 2017


                                  GET INSPIRED
Martin Wanjohi can best be described as a risk taker . He hails from Othaya in a family of three Him being the first born . He is married and a loving father of two children .

  In his formative years he took up street skating, which modeled a character of a risk taker in Him .  He believes that when you take a risk and fall you have one less fall to go , meaning you at getting better at it .

  He got a job and within one month quit the same job.  This decision seamed outrageous to say the least but anyway he did it and went to do a project , that he was not sure about the outcome .

  He left the comfort a job offers , which is a monthly income to go do sales for a company . The cut was ,he produces a million worth of sales within a period of six months or get nothing in the long run .

  It seamed to be an uphill task but he managed it . Leading to the birth birth of his company ; Sales Power Africa . An organisation whose goal is to help sales professionals become better at selling and to reach the market audience .

In addition he runs another company known as ,I performance Africa ,both in Kenya and Uganda .

His advice to young people is : " The age you are in is the right age to try an ideas that you have . Many think when they get money is when they can try out new ideas . Such a time doesn't exist and never comes ,do what you can ,with what you have ."

  When Martin is relaxing he loves reading ,talking walks and Listening to BBC radio. The world is yours for the taking go and get it ,what the mind can conceive it can certainly achieve .

Saturday 7 October 2017


Julie Korir has identified his role in the society, and that is to preach the message of peace. Her whole life has been dedicated to ensure that peace prevails both locally and internationally. She works with a group called Vijana Bila Ukabila and today she sits down and opens to us about her journey so far as a peace ambassador.

Tell us, where did the inspiration of becoming a peace ambassador come from?
All along, i never l never knew that i could become  a peace ambassador, the idea never stroke my mind until i experienced the 2007 to 2008 post election violence. I lost a lot of people i cared about. From then, i realized that people fought because Tribalism, and i thought that something needed to be done before its too late. Also from the bible, where are told that blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God. So that is where my inspiration came from.

You work with a group called Vijana Bila Ukabila, when did it began?
Vijana Bila Ukabila began in 2013, our founder had attended a national youth summit, he realized that most of the time, we usually blame the government for issues that we can rise up and deal with, and that is where he got the vision to start a group that would work to create awareness to the public on the importance of peace.

Why Vijana Bila Ukabila and not Vijana na Amani?
First, we decided to use Vijana because we are the once who are mostly used to cause violence today. We chose tribalism because we realized that tribalism is the cause of almost all the problems that we are facing today in the country, so by fighting tribalism, we will have fought a lot of issues that we are facing. And that is where the name came from.

Is it right when you say that it is the youths who are mostly used for violence?
Not all the youths are influenced to cause violence, but majority are. Today, the youths cover over 75% of the population today, so if you want to address the issue of peace, you live the remaining 25% and deal with the majority. And that is why we use the youths as a channel of passing the message of peace to the people.

How has the journey been so far?
The journey has not been good i must say,we could have abandoned it long time ago. First of all, we don't have any sponsors who support our initiative, so we basically depend on our own. But it is the passion that we have for peace that has kept us going all along. And we thank God for that.

Which ways do you guys use to sensitize the public on the importance of peace?We usually do this through songs, we have composed different songs as a a group, we also do this through civic education and through peace campaigns. We involve ourselves with other platforms such as UWIANO and NCIC to pass the message to the public.

Do you think as a group, your mission is a success?
Yes, if you compare the 2007 general elections with the two previous once that we have done recently, i must say that there has been an improvement. Kenyans have learnt it the hard way. No body would want a repeat of what happened in 2007. As a group, we are proud of what we have done so far.

Any word of advise to the youths out there?There is always a humble beginning, not many people will identify you. But if you stick with God, you will go places. Secondly, practice your democratic right peacefully, don't allow to be used. Differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, don't be used by any politicians. Your life is in your hands.

How can people reach you if they are interested to join your group?
You can find us on Facebook at Vijana Bila Ukabila, on Twitter @VijanaB.U and also through our numbers...0700197867/0720716761.

1. Do you drink? No, but i used to then i stopped.
2. How are you feeling today? Good, because somebody has recognized our work.
3. Single or Dating? Engaged.
4. Have you left a hotel without paying bills? Yes.

Styling and Shaping up your goals....#STYLEWITHALPHY            

Thursday 5 October 2017


Suit and tie are like peanut butter and jelly- they are meant to be together. But that doesn't mean that a suit cannot be dressed down. Here are some few tips on how to wear a suit with no tie:
  1. If you are going to dress down your suit, it's really all about the shirt. Chose one in fabric with a more  casual vibe, like denim or chambray. Don't overlook the collar.A shirt with a buttoned down collar will appear more casual and will also help to keep your collar standing up in a place. This is a good way if you are wearing a more traditional dress shirt.
  2. To play up with a causal nature of a suit without tie, always keep the top two buttons - not just the top button. This does two things: Unbuttoning the extra button just feels more relaxed. Doing just the top buttons always feels like being stuck in the middle. Either do it up and add a tie or unbutton it and get comfortable. Secondly, it compliments and accentuates the v-shape of the suit jacket lapels when its unbuttoned. Visually, this creates a nice line and really helps to frame your face.
  3. Pick a pocket square with a pattern or contrasting edge. A dressed down suit isn't the place for a crisp white pocket square, save that for the office. Have a little fun and make sure it compliments your outfit rather than matching exactly.
 Well guys, now you know how to dress down that suit without a tie. Follow the above guidelines and i assure you that you won't be disappointed.

Your leading online destination to stay informed on the latest styles and trends from the world of fashion and design...Style With Alphy. 


When it comes to exercise, there is nothing quite satisfying as drenched pits and dripping for heat. But does a sweat soak shirt equal to a better work out?

The Science of Sweat.
As your muscle generate heat during exercise, and your core body temperature rises, your body triggers a cooling process- sweating. Our sweat glands are designed to pump fluids (mainly water, salt and other electrolytes) through the skin to evaporate into the air, taking a heap of body heat with it. Of course every person is different. Some people are natural sweaters- usually due to overactive sweat glands and others can stay dry as born.
Apart from your genes, level of fitness or gender, the rate at which you sweat depends on two things:
  • The environment (i.e Temperature)
  • Your metabolic rate (which is determined by how hard you are exercising)
The link between sweat and success.
While its common to assume that the more you perspire, the more calories you burn, there is actually little coloration  between the two. Consider this: if you run on the treadmill in an air conditioned gym, you'll most likely sweat less compared to pounding the pavement in 80 degree heat. Granted your body has to work slightly harder to keep you cool running outdoors, it wont drastically elevate your metabolism. In fact, you may end up burning less energy instead. This is because being hot makes exercise feel harder, so you may exert less effort and fatigue quicker than when working at lower temperature.

What about fat loss?
There is a good chance that if you stepped straight on the scale after both instances (indoors vs outdoors), you'd be slightly lighter after the outdoor run. Does that mean that you have heard more fat? Not quite. It means you have lost more fluid through sweat- so you're seeing  a temporary loss in water weight(not fat). As soon as you replenish your fluids, your weight will even out again.

What really matters with calorie burn?There are two key factors that determine an effective calorie burn:
  • Duration.
  • Intensity.
As a guide for getting max work out results, current Australian physical activity guidelines recommend 150-300minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75-150 minutes if vigorous activity a week. As far as someone is trying to keep her weight in check , guidelines recommend adults increase to 300minutes (5hours) or 60minutes of moderate intensity activity on most days of the week.

The take away.
Forget stressing about your sweat, just keep moving. Regular exercise (of any kind) along with a balanced diet is a sure  fire way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight , not doing everything you can to sweat more.

Article by Kathleen Alleaume a Nutritionist and Exercise Scientist. Founder of @therightbalance.

Tuesday 3 October 2017


Tyler Kamau Mbaya popularly known as Baha is not new to us and to our entertainment industry. We have seen him embrace our television screens since he was young, he is famously known for his cheeky and stubborn character from the local hit show, Machachari. He opened to us about his journey so far as an actor and some of his future plans.

Tell us about yourself:
My name is Kamau Mbaya, i am 17 years old. I am an actor and TV presenter. I come from Kanyiri,Kiambu, Kenya.

Your passion for acting, when and how did it start?
I started acting while in school, at class 4. I was inspired to join into this industry by my mother who was an actress.

How has the journey been so far?
So far so good, the journey has been okay. The only thing is that people are hating so much but aside from that, i cannot complain.

Do you plan to take on acting as a serious career?
Yes, do. Its what am passionate about so much.

What is your take on the Kenyan industry so far?
We are not growing in the right way. We are only stuck on producing comedy and drama shows. We should start doing sitcoms, fashion program me, e.t.c. Producers don't want to venture into something new.
At 18years, your popularity has risen really fast, how do you deal with all that?
I just appreciate all my fans because they are the ones who have made me who i am today. I have and must stay humble.

What is your biggest challenge as an actor?
Lack of privacy. That's one thing that am really lacking.

What can you tell someone who is looking up to you out there?
It is upon you to create your story. be confident and never give up.

1. What's your favorite meal? Chapati and Ndegu.
2. What do you like doing most? Playing  pool and tennis.
3. Dating or Not? Not at the moment.
4. Which team do you support? Chelsea.
5. Most embarrassing moment? I once confessed to a girl how much i love her and she said NO.