Sunday 17 September 2017


Many people today are ashamed of their weights especially ladies always wants to maintain a slim weight so as to keep their figures. What people don't know is that fat or extra weights is not only brought about as a result of eating to much food, but also by their kind of lifestyle. If you wants to maintain a good and sizeable weight, then their are some proper guidelines that you are supposed to follow. Forget the short cuts, many usually opt to go for surgery so as to drain out their body fats, not considering the effect that it may have to them in the coming years. The key of keeping weight off a diet is incorporating habits of sound nutrition, regular exercise and reasonable expectations that you can stick to a life time. Below are proper tips and tricks for weight management:

  1. Have a healthy eating game plan: A variety of foods are important to a healthful diet and peak performance. Make  sure to include dairy or other calcium rich foods, fruits, vegetables,whole grains and lean protein food in everyday eating and at each meal. Load up half your plate with fruits and veggies and you ll naturally downgrade the calories impact. Remember, a balanced diet not only offers up necessary nutrition, it also may help you feel more satisfied.
  2. Step on the scale every week: Step on the scale at least every week so as to monitor your progress to check where and how you can improve.
  3. Limit eating out and drinking alcohol: Alcohol is not only rich in calories, ethanol stimulates your appetite. It chips at your resolve to eat healthy and heighten the desire for high calories pleasurable food.
  4. Loose the weight the right way: There are many ways of loosing weight quickly that is not properly advised by medical practitioners. Most people tend to go for this ways which may have negative impact. Some of it include: Skipping meals, using drugs and pills, smoking, over exercising e.t.c.
  5. Limit TV viewing to not more than 16 hours in a week: The TV subconsciously boost hunger and in addition most people who watch television also do so while mindlessly munching high calories snacks.
  6. Eat a protein rich breakfast: Always start with a good breakfast to avoid splurging or over reacting on special occasions.   
  7. Exercise at least an hour in a day: Exercise plays a big role in maintaining a proper weight. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn . In addition, the more muscle you develop, the higher the metabolic rate becomes, so you burn more calories even when not exercising.
  8. Always drink water after every meal. Water plays an important role in dieting and weight management. The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently and water also helps the body metabolize and burn fat.
We urge you to maintain a proper weight so as to live a long healthy life. There are some diseases accompanied as a result of OBESITY. Some of it include:
  • Heart disease and stroke.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Some Cancers.
  • Gall bladder disease and gallstones.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Breathing problems such as sleep apnea(When a person stops breathing for short episodes during sleep) and Asthma.
Now that you know the secrets to long term of eating healthy, you can now start your weight management program today following the proper and right channels that we have shared with you today.

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Article by Lakiesha Njoki

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