Saturday, 3 February 2018


This is a new segment introduced to Style With Alphy. This will aim at giving our readers an Insight of their favorite celebrities fashion, wardrobe and style. Every Saturday we will be featuring for you your favorite actors, musicians, media personalities, fashion bloggers, models, designers e.t.c  to talk about their Fashion and Style. Be Inspired.

Sean Andrews has discovered his passion in the fashion industry and he is fighting all odds to achieve his vision. He is one of the most celebrated Kenyan Models and his style is just commendable, well as it is seen from his Instagram. Today he opens his style book and takes us through his Fashion and Style and also talks a little bit about his journey.
  1. In your own words, what is Fashion? Well it's tricky  to define something that is so and yet very personal to an individual. From designer to the person that wears what they wear it's an expression.
  2. Describe your style in three words? Comfortable and what goes with my moods.
  3. From your own perspective, what trend needs to stop in the men fashion world? I dislike crop top for guys and rompers....I have a lot of mean words for such attire.
  4. Given a chance, whose wardrobe would you invade? Oh that's easy, my friend Randy Gowon and Brian Msafiri...their jackets give me kleptomaniac urges.
  5. What is the most expensive item you have in your wardrobe? I won't say how much i bought them but its close between a pair of loafers, some boots and velvet jacket.
  6. What your proudest moment in your career so far? I have so many proud moments but in short, its a joy to work with local designers and stylists, our people have great taste and class.
  7. Word of advice to anyone looking up to you? Keep it simple and above all, be yourself. Do what feels right for you and you ll love what you do.
  8. Whats your take on our Kenyan fashion industry? There is a lot that our industry is growing from. We have ample talent here and there is a challenge to be seen an worn all over...I say, challenge exists to be overcome.
  9. There is this stereotypical opinion about guys in the fashion industry, whats your take on that? Personally i pay little attention to stereotypes and gossip and what not.....its easy to get lost in all that....draw out your journey and carry it through, there is always a naysayer here and there but so are truly people...Be good and you ll attract good.
Interview done by Elvis Alphy 

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